11,942 research outputs found

    How audio-visual stimuli in automated asynchronous video interviews affect applicant reactions: social presence, fairness and organisational attractiveness

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    Over the past decade, the use of asynchronous video interviews (AVIs) has increased exponentially, largely spurred by ongoing technological progress and shifts to remote work. Although prior research shows interview design can influence applicant reactions, the effect of video interview design factors on interviewee reactions remains unclear. The present study determines the influence of AVI stimulus format (text-based vs. audio-visual questions) on applicant perceptions of social presence, fairness and organisational attractiveness. To this end, a between-subjects posttest-only experimental design was used in two separate samples (South African sample, N = 58; USA sample, N = 169, Combined samples, N = 227). Participants were randomly assigned to either the control or experimental group. Participants completed a mock interview on a commercially available AVI platform and then answered a questionnaire measuring perceptions of social presence, fairness, and organisational attractiveness. Bootstrapped independent sample t-tests and serial mediation were used to test the hypotheses. Within Sample 1, applicant perceptions of social presence, fairness and organisational attractiveness were higher for the audio-visual and text-based AVIs, thereby supporting the proposition that audio-visual stimuli lead to higher perceptions of social presence, fairness and organisational attractiveness. Conversely, Sample 2's findings were non-significant (p > .05). While there were mixed results, the findings of this study provide preliminary evidence which suggests that within the South African context, audio-visual stimuli can be used in AVIs. Organisations in the American context should pay close attention to the effects of AVI stimulus format on applicant reactions as the findings from the American sample were not conclusive. Future research should investigate applicant reactions to different forms of AVI stimulus during a multi-stage selection proces

    Effects of novel muscarinic M3 receptor ligand C1213 in pulmonary arterial hypertension models.

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    Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a complex disease comprising a pathologic remodeling and thickening of the pulmonary vessels causing an after load on the right heart ventricle that can result in ventricular failure. Triggered by oxidative stress, episodes of hypoxia, and other undetermined causes, PH is associated with poor outcomes and a high rate of morbidity. In the neonate, this disease has a similar etiology but is further complicated by the transition to breathing after birth, which requires a reduction in vascular resistance. Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) is one form of PH that is frequently unresponsive to current therapies including inhaled nitric oxide (due to lack of proper absorption and diffusion), and other therapeutics targeting signaling mediators in vascular endothelium and smooth muscle. The need for novel agents, which target distinct pathways in pulmonary hypertension, remains. Herein, we investigated the therapeutic effects of novel muscarinic receptor ligand C1213 in models of PH We demonstrated that via M3 muscarinic receptors, C1213 induced activating- eNOS phosphorylation (serine-1177), which is known to lead to nitric oxide (NO) production in endothelial cells. Using signaling pathway inhibitors, we discovered that AKT and calcium signaling contributed to eNOS phosphorylation induced by C1213. As expected for an eNOS-stimulating agent, in ex vivo and in vivo models, C1213 triggered pulmonary vasodilation and induced both pulmonary artery and systemic blood pressure reductions demonstrating its potential value in PH and PPHN In brief, this proof-of-concept study provides evidence that an M3 muscarinic receptor functionally selective ligand stimulates downstream pathways leading to antihypertensive effects using in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo models of PH

    Trials and tribulations of Sla framework in designing Arabic courses for speakers of other languages

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    There is a consensus among language teachers and researchers that language course design is always a work in progress. This is influenced by variables such as the type of language being taught and whether the teaching of this language has been researched. Arabic is one the languages that have created aperennial debate among its teachers about the anticipated challenges pointing principally to three reasons. The first reason refers to the dichotomy that exists between MSA and Colloquial Arabic, which will have a direct impact on teaching the macro-skill of „speaking‟. The second reason deals with the complexity of MSA in terms of grammar. The final reason discusses the theoretical aspects of language teaching and learning and its implications to the design of the Arabic program. This paper discusses these problems stemming from the recent empirical pilot study of teaching Arabic for a specific purposes (ASP). The study exposes some the problems mentioned above and suggests solutions to improve the teaching of Arabic in the light of theories of SLA and language teaching and learning

    Atypical Presentation of Disseminated Zoster in a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have 2-fold increased risk of herpes zoster. In literature, limited information exists about disseminated cutaneous zoster in RA patients. An 83-year-old African-American female with RA presented with generalized and widespread vesicular rash covering her entire body. Comorbidities include hypertension, type II diabetes, and dyslipidemia. Patient was on methotrexate 12.5 mg and was not receiving any corticosteroids, anti-TNF therapy, or other biological agents. The patient was afebrile (98 F) with no SIRS criteria. Multiple vesicular lesions were present covering patient’s entire body including face. Lesions were in different stages, some umbilicated with diameter of 2–7 cm. Many lesions have a rim of erythema with no discharge. On admission, patient was also pancytopenic with leukocyte count of 1.70 k/mm3. Biopsies of lesions were performed, which were positive for Varicella antigen. Subsequently, patient was started on Acyclovir. The patient’s clinical status improved and rash resolved. Our patient presented with “atypical” clinical picture of disseminated cutaneous zoster with no obvious dermatome involvement. Disseminated zoster is a potentially serious infection that can have an atypical presentation in patients with immunocompromised status. High index of suspicion is needed to make the diagnosis promptly and to initiate therapy to decrease mortality and morbidity

    Exploring the experiences of Canadian medical students with a background in the arts and humanities

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    Background: Arts and Humanities (A/H) training is a powerful strategy to help medical students develop key competencies which align with the CanMEDS roles that Canadian physicians are expected to embody. Students with backgrounds in A/H may enter medical school with the skills and dispositions that A/H training provides. This paper explores the varied experiences of medical students with prior A/H backgrounds, with an emphasis on how they navigate relationships with their student cohorts and participate in undergraduate medical training environments. Methods: Descriptive qualitative research methodology was used to conduct and analyze semi-structured interviews exploring the perspectives of Canadian medical students with either a A/H degree or training in A/H (n = 13). Domains such as identity, integration of interests, and challenges in maintaining A/H interests during medical training were explored. Results: Participants described their A/H identity as intertwined with their identity as medical trainees and described their sense of interconnection between the disciplines. Challenges included imposter syndrome and difficulties in relating with peers from science backgrounds. Participants described returning to their A/H interests as a tool for wellness amidst medical training. Conclusions: Medical students with a background in A/H training describe this background as offering both affordances and challenges for their sense of identity, belonging, and wellness. These students offer an untapped resource: they come with dispositions of value to medicine, and they perceive a positive, hidden A/H curriculum that supports their maintenance of these dispositions during training. Understanding more about these hidden treasures could help foster the development of well-rounded and humanistic physicians in the entire medical class
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